On a day like this 1 month ago, my grandma passed away. Well, I can't say for sure that she is in a better place, because according to my believe, she is in hell for all eternity for not believing in God. That's my reality that I know and it's hurting me to know that I couldn't do much when she was alive. oh well, she is gone now and she now haunts my dreams, literally. This blog post is to commemorate her death anniversary for one month.
The reality of heaven and hell for all eternity has hit me within one month and it has made me realise how much I really want my family and friends to be saved. I want to see them in heaven. (As I'm typing this, my niece is somewhere dancing while I play Jai Ho on the mac for her to dance to. Ironically, "Jai Ho" means "long live" in Hindi) I have not much to say now except that I should now help the living and not brood over the dead. And that means taking care of my family and do what a disciple of God should do (preach the good news).
I can't say much about my grandma because I really didn't talk to her during her last days due to a family feud. Details shall not be revealed for the sake of privacy and propriety. Nonetheless, before the family feud, I enjoyed being with my grandma. She was the only grandparent I knew. and yes I really got nothing more constructive to say, and I better sign off now before I get bitchy over my relatives and say or even think like a Christian shouldn't.
Grandma if you can see this, I'm sorry, know that I still love you.
Signing off,
Your beloved Granddaughter.