Some things should not be said, and some things should. I believe that whatever I post here is the latter.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My God Reigns - Abundant Life Church
- Matt Hooper & Jock James
(Verse 1)
I have a hope so sure
An anchor for my soul
My peace in the worst of times
I trust in God alone
(Pre Chorus)
Let every voice declare it now
My God reigns
His love will never fail me
My God reigns – He’s ruling over all
In all my Life
In every situation I know
My God is greater
My God is over all
(Verse 2)
By faith I have believed
And on this truth I stand
No power in life or death
Can take me from His hand
(pre chorus)
Let every voice declare it now
(Chorus 2)
My God reigns
His love will never fail me
My God reigns – He’s ruling over all
In all my Life
In every situation I know
My God is greater
My God is greater, my God is greater
My God is greater, my God is greater
(My God is greater, my God is over all)
Above all sickness, above all fear
Above every heartache here
In earth and heav’n – My God reigns!
Above all power, above all thrones
The greatest love I’ve ever known
Today, forever, my God reigns!
(Chorus X 2)
Lovely trip to Marina Barrage
Mark, Selwyn, Lizzie, Winnie and I just sat down and about to chill... ...
And it all ended when the announcement "will the car owner of SXXXXXX please move away your car, *we were thinking who was that irresponsible fella arh?" I repeat, will the car owner of of SXXXXXX *Selwyn points to himself and says "that's my car!"* please move away your car. Thank you."
And then we rushed down the stairs and rushed all the way to the car.
And there it goes with an anticlimax ending of our lovely trip to the Marina Barrage.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
I woke up with a very bad headache, sore throat, blocked nose and slight fever.
And I studied and studied despite my half concious state and a burning throat. I feel like I could breathe fire anytime now... ..."
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Welcome to the world my Noble Princess!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Welcoming the Angel of Good News!
~Love Auntie Mil~
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Children's Day of my few days close to 20th year of existence
Friday, August 21, 2009
My outlook on string making... ...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friends and experiences.
Love ya who stood by me while I'm down and still standing by me!
PS: I wouldn't say people whom I dislike or people whom dislike me as enemies. I supposed to pray for them. So I rename them as "experiences".
PSS: No matter what happens next, I know true friends like God and the friends he placed beside me will be there for me.
PSSS: Please pray for Punggol Secondary School, the kids are a lost bunch. The school is in the middle of nowhere, in more ways then one.
PSSSS: Bitching on my job is now known as Critical Inquisition. I think it sounds cool and professional.
PSSSSS: Seeing this kids, primary or secondary has made me realised alot of truths in a new light, ergo the feeling that I'm growing to be a teacher, which actually is a pleasant thing. *Stable Income and Good government Incentives are the material things that make one stay when they feel jaded with the job.* *I hope I dun get jaded... ... *
PSSSSSS: Last but not least, God rocks!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's up to u to decide whether what happens to u is good or bad.
People may betray ur secrets, even when u think they r mature, people may have backstabbed u when u were younger, but as u grow older, u will realise that such things dun matter anymore. It's in the past. Besides, whatever wrongs that people do to u is their problem. They have God and themselves to answer to. So I'll just concentrate on becoming the child the the Lord wants me to be.
God give us just nice amount of watever we need in the world to survive. Anymore and you've gotta ask, but if he doesn't give it to u, it just means it's bad for u. Now for those of u who have read this, it's up to u to decide whether u wanna continue living the life that u have been living or u can decide to try to change and lead a life more worthy of a human who is made in the image of God.
OK I dunno if I'm making enough sense here or not.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The meaning of my name Mildred (Pronunciation:/mɪldrəd/)
Now my friends, do let me tell u what I found out about my name. (For those who recently know me, it's not surprising that u will find my name most laughed at especially when I break it up)
As I look through the websites over the years, I realised it was old english.
Mildred -> Mil-dred (mind u it's pronounced as Mil-dred, /mɪldrəd/ not Mild-red)
Mil/ Mild -> Mild, Meek, Gentle
dred -> strength, strong
Ergo the meaning Gentle Strength or Meekness.
This is the verse from the Bible that some baby names book said it's supposed to be associated to my name, though I dunno how it was related, I just thought it very nice and decided to post it up as well.(enlighten me if u will)
1 John 4:7
Dear friends, let us love another, for love comes from God Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
As I type this, I think I'm enlighten. Meekness is not weakness. It is strength from inside. And one of the things about strength is the strength to love and forgive. I think I know where this is heading too.
(Please do continue reading even if u r not a christian)
My name is not about becoming a good wife. It's about learning to go against the ways of this world and to forgive people where other's can't, it's about learning to stand up for the Lord and his people, even if someone slaps or kick me for it I must offer my other cheek to the assaulter and do as Jesus did, love and forgive. Love unconditionally forgives the other party, and meekness comes in when u r being trampled on and u know u can't forgive the person, but u must find the strength as Jesus did to love and forgive the person. Enough said, I know what I must do now. All I need is u Lord, to guide me to be a beacon and demostrate this meekness that Jesus embodied and to do ur will.
PS: To those who made a joke outta my name and what colour bow I'm buying, this is an announcement to u all. Yes, I'm buying a red bow, it's the closes to pink, and yes, after much thought about my name yes well... ... Dun worry, I forgive u for the joke! ;p
Note: This was written on the 18 June 2009 at 10:46. On the next day, my teammate says she is getting a dark red bow too. On the 29 June I had an allegation that I had no individuality cos I cos the same colour as my teammate. Now that's God really testing me to see if this revelation got into my heart and not just into my mind.
Monday, June 29, 2009
This month, I really had an altogether big life-changing experiences. One fact to confirm, Humans do show their ugly sides under different lights. Another fact to confirm, all Humans do have insecurities, just like I do. The 2 facts combined, when 2 or more people having their own insecurites clash, they bring out the ugly side of each other, more so for 1 than another. This ugliness and insecurities will only be suppressed or eliminated once the love of God comes in between. Differences and insecurities will be seen as a step to understanding at least the maniscule level of another and to accept each other; ergo, God coming in as a common understanding of how humans should learn to live with one another and a greater and higher calling comes in to distract us from our insecurities. *sounds like some essay* And this I've learnt in a difficult way. U can beg to differ with me if u wanna, but this is my understanding of my life, and maybe u should try look at it from my perspective. If u do, then u will see much-needed timely God's intervention in my life everytime I need it.
On my last official night in hall for this semester, I ponder on such things. Alone in the room really can do ur reflection times good. And there goes another msn popup of some pics or advert scam. The thing that cos me to ponder about this. Someone I have much respect for last time fell victim to this and he told me that I was in the hit list. I really wondered, y he was so flustered about the pics. Oh so the pics were really personal. Yup what happens in the bedroom should remain in the bedroom. The body is the sacred temple of God strickly speaking not just to girls. It's not the problem with the pics, like I say, do what u want with ur life and pics, the issue is how the he reacted in a convo to someone who looks up to u as a mentor. I would not say further what added on to this irony, I would just say it's making me sick *the induce vomit kind*... ... I guess adults need to remember what they taught us. Ok I think I should stop here before I reveal more. *no pun intended*
Oh and I still think Family bonds are the strongest no matter how u try to break up. The breaking-up of the bonds is the hardest and the most painful, especially to the one who is still clearer-minded, ergo more sensitive to the pain.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
So much talk about saving the Earth and humanitarian efforts
Please try to finish your food at all times
People think more than advertisments of cute lil' children when u talk of "Saving Gaia"
Child Labour
There are still many many more clips on Youtube. But the point is, did u touch ur heartstrings?
Michael Jackson's song "Heal the World" is the best song to play in the background right now.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A special blog post tribute to the King of Pop Michael Jackson
I give u Rockin' Robin.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Blog Revamp
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bleh Bleh Bleh Bleh... ... ... ... It can go on about how the day went, but I'm really too tired to think. From 8am to 8pm. How's that for a full day event... ... This is really hardcore and I'm totally wiped out. haha... ... But still, I'm thinking that I still need to blog about this to do reflections. Like in AAS. Been typing and retyping stuff here to make it sound politically correct. Ok that's it, I'm totally falling asleep in front of my com just thinking and reflecting about it.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The number 24
whao... ... and For the NUS indoor, my land and detail is 24A. Nice. And despite the whatever nonsense, I got a bronze and a horrible backache. To God be the Glory! I survived thrugh these. I never thought I could even get a bronze. HONESTLY, my morale was super low... ... Again like my facebook shoutout says " Thanks Jing Wen and Rose for the precious bronze medal! :) Even though it was only bronze,(to some people) it meant alot to me!(and I'm sure to u too) Love u 2 lots! *hugs and kisses* XOXO!!!! "
The medal meant alot to me in different ways, afew I can declare on blog for my friends to read, a few is to keep silently in my heart. A few of them that I can declare is dedicating this medal to Winnie and Liz for the times I couldn't spend with them due to training when Liz was still in Singapore. Another was to prove to the world that the underdogs, such as ur truly can strive hard. Another was to be able to show God's glory in this competition. I did my best, and God did the rest. And also, cos it's Rose's and Jing Wen's 1st time doing TKO, and I wanna give it my best so that I wouldn't let them down when they are trying their best too.
I thank the Lord for wonderful teammates who cover up my sorry arse when I didn't shoot well in this competition! And thanks for those who prayed for/with me and/or keep me in their hearts! Love ya lots!
PS: My team number is 10, NTU 10. I'm born in October, the tenth month. haha... ...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ironies. I'm B-ing myself oncemore. And I ain't ashame of it.
Oh and another irony. Facbook quiz result for What's your geek level? quiz and the result is Studious. Remarks: "Slowly getting there. Its all about hard work and owning that next mechanics test." This is hilarious... ... If I'm studious, I wouldn't be doing so badly for my exams. Oh and I dun do mechanics. I do language and literature.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Ultimate phrases of the day.
A phrase of not acknowledging how much ur son has done for u. A phrase that made a grand-daughter horribly disappointed. Alright! Pissed it is. Damn pissed. On my sister's wedding, who was the person who locked my granny in the house and made my brothers wait for about 1 hour outside the house for someone to open the dorr so that my brothers can take her to my sister's church wedding? And now, who says they were not invited? Who says we did not want granny to come? Again I say, fresh out of a Channel 8 drama serial.
Imagine waking up early in the morning hearing words of accusation coming from ur granny's mouth to ur dad accusing him of not taking care of her when he spent his savings on her. I woke up to that noise this morning. My heart ached at such a horrible noise... ...
If u all money grabbers(and yes it is if not y r u suing ur bro who have used his OWN money to feed his mother and claiming that he have taken her money) insist on calculating down to the single cent, ok fine! I earn $250 from my 5 day part-time job last time and I gave u $50 from it. I cooked fried rice for u, accompany u to the hair dresser(my dad fetched), accompany u to the clinic(my dad fetched), sew ur buttons and sleeves for u, wat else... I dunno... ... I can't calculate anymore, I'm not that sort of person. I rather be me and just heck the calculating part and just move on. I wondered who was the one who started with the calculating in the 1st place... ...
I even cried the time I realised that u were turning ur back against us. I guess tears ain't money... ... So it doesn't count to u right?
Enough is enough... ... I cannot bear such anger for too long... ... I can't continue like that... It will sap the happiness out of me. I need the peace of God with me... ...
And yes, u take alot away from me. U took away the trustI had in u. Sorry Granny, but u broke my heart by hurting my dad and mum who cared for me more than u care for us.
I wonder if the others know the liability of this situation and this old lady. (Dun bother to brainwash her, she has nothing that she can offer u to show her appreciation for taking sides with her if u r looking for money and property)
OK, all the blabbering is over now... time to calm down and think rationally and not stoop to their level and name calling... ... I can't even remember the phrases she used on us...
Daddy, Mummy, dun be sad, u still have us ur natural children to keep u company. Daddy, dun gloom the whole day cos it's making me even sadder too... U still have us! *hugs*
My disappointment is beyond tears now. I'm past caring or crying for u and over u. Unless u show me even once that u really did care for ur grandchildren at te very least, even if it is not me.
To those who r reading this cos u r checking up on my internet accounts to spy on my family:
After reading this and u feel insulted, it means u r guilty of whatever evilness I mention in this post. Instead of getting angry, I appeal to ur conscience to please put a stop to this craziness. AND STOP STALKING OUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS. Take care and May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be with you, and God Bless you.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
In Loving memory to 2 of my beloved arrows...

Oh yes... ... It's hard for me to explain... Seeing is believing what shooting indoors can do to ur arrows when u miss the board. *Points below*
So as one can see, there is 1 arrow which seems to be in a somewhat flower shape and another which is bent. (note that I make it alternate with those which arrow points merely got dislodged; I prefer to think of it as being artistic) Those r the ones I can't use anymore, unless I take drastic actions to do something about it.(I dunno what r the drastic actions I can take) *sniffles*... ...
The horror of it all... ... That's when u realise u rather stand under the hot sun whole day to train and let the arrow fly into the ground when it misses the board.
Most of all, it was not the problem with my form... The folly lies with the overused sponge turning soft and holey (not my problem the the arrow when through the board), and the 2 most fatal ones that killed my arrow and injured some was my sight(not my problem that the sight is lose and keeps dropping, but my problem for not constantly checking the sight).
Lesson learnt. Take aim and make sure that the arrow lands on the hard part of the board(though difficult to pull, the muscle aches is more worth then a heartache); and most importantly, check the sighting. Oh and yes, the importance of commiting to the shot(I hate to admit this, but yeah... ... There is much truth in this undeniable fact).
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Applying New Criticism to everyday life! AAA101! (Oh man I think I studied too much! Somebody stop me!!!)
*It is some highly intellectual critque. If u r looking for some gormless rantings, please do not bother to bore urself out! Do skip to the next blog or something.*
*This was posted in facebook before the last day of my exams.*
The following was sparked by reading a post on Kevin's take on feminism in S-factor:
S-factor is not reflective of true feminism though it has feministic undertones.S-factor no doubts celebrates the beauty of the female and individuality, but it reduces the ladies to mere sexual commodities in which the media can maek use of for socio-economic purposes. Hence, the ideological fantasy behind it is to mass sell beauty of the female and individuality which is highly ironic.
{ok that sounds like the paper I'm going take for tmr... ...}
Ergo, the ideal viewer of this show would be woman who desires to be like this women on screen to follow the trend they set and I, the resisting viewer, views that it degrades woman and make them in sexual commodities.
{ok that's it, I think I'm studying too much for New Criticism(Marxism)... Oh well, hope the same thing happens tmr morning! Prof Matlida! Ain't ya proud?! Correct me if I'm wrong on analysis people. Ok dun hit me!}
The following are the links to the S-factor clip I saw that helped me destress and yet bring out this geek in me.
Kevin, ya wanna talk about feminism? Bring it on... ... Out of the 7 texts we have to study, 6 are pro-feminist. haha... ... ok just kidding! I'm just lamenting the fact that feminism and modernism is actually easier to do then criticisms, narratology and structurlism[semiotics]! and we lit students like to do it the emo way... ... ok maybe not all... ... right?! ok dun hit me again!
Kudos and Credits to Kevin for the inspiration... ... and bringing out the geek in me.
*So for the rest of u who read this, did ur brain explode? If it didn't, good for u. Welcome to uni life.*
Monday, May 11, 2009
The moment exams are over.
Oh well, what I would find the most challenging post exam activity is... ...
*flashback to doing post-exam-to-do list*
1. Practise Piano
2. Archery Training
3. Driving lessons
4. Cellgroup Outing
5. Clean my room at home
6. Teach Mum how to use the computer
*snaps back to present times*
The Most challenging post exam activity is... not practising Piano to pass the exams, nor going for Archery Training to swipe all the medals possible at NUS indoor, not even learning to steer the wheel properly not organise an outing for 5 kids, all of whom have different interest. NOT EVEN CLEANING MY DUST-FILLED-CANNOT-EVEN-SEE-THE-FLOOR-BECAUSE-OF-ALL-THE-BOOKS-I-BROUGHT-BACK-FROM-HALL ROOM AT HOME!
*flashback to skype conversion with da ge*
"Must teach Mummy how to use the computer so that she can do up her own little business."
**Note the use of imperatives**
*snaps back to present times*
I'm an english language and literature teacher; not an IT teacher! SOMEBODY!!!! HELP ME!!!!
Note: Watching Anime isn't in the list anymore... **sniffles** NO TIME FOR MARATHONS LIKE I USED TOO!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
An Ode to someone :) Guess who!
Following the path that she must take
The little Bird is waiting for her last break
Through, walking down that path is the final
Beside her a Cow and a Mouse stood
Supporting her and walking that last path
Before she takes her flight
That is what friends are for
Throughout good and bad times
The animals have stood by each other
Tears of parting are shed amongst them
Now as the little Bird stands firmly
With wings eager to soar
Her feathers bloom as she flaps hard
Up she goes and beyond the horizon
To a new place that the Father has called her too
There she goes fearless and majestic
The little Bird who become a Phoenix.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
On my way to the lighthouse (Based on a true story)
On my way to the lighthouse, I got lost along the way and couldn't even find the coast to get a boat. Just then, I met the respectable ladies of our study, Jane, Evelina, Moll, Margery, Mrs Ramsay, Miss Youghal sais, and the whole gang of them. It was a no-man event gathering. aka husbands, lovers, brothers, brother-lovers and what not are not allowed. They said they were going to the lightouse too. So I hopped on the bandwagon. We were going to discuss feminism and modernism when Margery decided to talk about fop rock because she saw how cute the leader singer was(even though he wasn't at all). Moll seemed interested and decided to talk about her great love life and the conversation got dominated them. Lily Briscoe seemed disinterested and took put her sketchbook to draw and Evelina and Jane thought that Moll and Margery was being too explicit so they decided to start their own converstion. The event was getting to nowhere and I tried to seem interested in what everyone was doing, but it was getting too boring for me. Mrs Ramsay was not happy with such a sight and she decided to head the discussions. She made the girls gather together to prepare dinner and such. After that everyone gathered to have dinner and talked a great deal. Sadly to me, I still found it a bit boring and even confusing especially when someone mention modernism again. But since I really needed to go to the lighthouse I had to bear with it and tried my best to listen and be entertained. In the end, I wonder if I'm on the right track to the lighthouse.
Yeah right... ... It's actually a story on how I can't read "To the Lighthouse" and various Literature text of this semester without falling asleep...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
When Sanity Hanges on a thin thread
Will you wait to see it break?
Hear the thread snap
and recoil,
and continue to hang loose as if Sanity wasn't on it before, as if
was not part of it?
Will you turn away,
face your back on it
And not see it.
Will you turn away, cover your two ears
And not hear
the object that hangs
loose is a part of you
Will you scream if Sanity wasn't there?
Will you?
Will you hear Sanity scream
In your head as it is detached from you?
Will you?
What will you do?
What do you think?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Emo and gloominess... ... Heal the world, make it a better place.
*This is not another one of those save the earth and campaigns to champion a cause*
*If issues mentioned seems to be relating to you, you must be either thinking too much or you are the guilty party.*
Hey Hey! I say to my conciousness, whose fault is it anyway that the world is so gloomy? Just today, Stef sms-ed me in the morning saying that Sylvia Plath's son passed away. Oh yeah, that family has a history of depression. Do u blame Ted Hughes for having an affair and leaving the kids to the charge of their depressed mum? Or do u blame her genes? Oh u could blame himself for studying too hard and getting a Ph.D, Permanent Head Damage, in our Singaporean lingo. This suddenly reminded me of the 2 incidents at NTU. 'nuff said... ... Freaky man... ... So many things like that happening around the world. God didn't live us our life and freewill so that we can take it lightly and kill otherselves. Period. I wonder if those people know that God loves them.
There are so many deaths out there and there are people out there lying to each other and worst to old people and suing each other over property that should be settled 20 years ago. If there is anything worse, it is to disown blood relations over the temporary physical things of this world and fabricating false conciousness fresh from a over-matured mind out for selfish cause. Being jealous over another person's accomplishments and hankering over it and well as betrayal of trust is another. But such things do draw a fine line, don't they. If Civics and Moral Education was that easy to draw a line and teach, that u wouldn't be getting spoilt brats calling their elders 'stupid' and children for slapping their teacher for not letting it have their way. The world is SOOOOO bleak.
DAMN U SATAN! I will not let u have it ur way! I WILL PRAY FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE WORLD! And Lord! I pray for that I wouldn't be so judgemental... ... I'm letting my e-learning assignment get to me... ... But oh well, no matter how goth (or puesdo goth) I can be, emo is a bit too much for me, let alone do something stupid like cut themselves. I'm glad my close sisters lighten up and stop doing stupid things to themselves.Let Justice and Praise become my embrace, to love you from the inside out, oh Lord! One thing I have learnt from the cell leader's retreat is that everytime u breath, u are breathing out praise to the Lord! I always knew that life equals breath. But this is so cool! Ok everybody! Let's praise the Lord! BREATH IN! BREATH OUT! The first thing a bady learns when it comes out of the mother's womb is to breath, and it does that by crying. Even cooler revelations, the first thing a bady learns to do the moment it comes into these world is to praise the Lord! So ok Lord, I will continue to breath and live for your glory and praise! With your guidance, I'll teach your people to breath and live for Your Glory. BREATH IN BREATH OUT!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Group project.