Some things should not be said, and some things should. I believe that whatever I post here is the latter.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The Ultimate phrases of the day.
A phrase of not acknowledging how much ur son has done for u. A phrase that made a grand-daughter horribly disappointed. Alright! Pissed it is. Damn pissed. On my sister's wedding, who was the person who locked my granny in the house and made my brothers wait for about 1 hour outside the house for someone to open the dorr so that my brothers can take her to my sister's church wedding? And now, who says they were not invited? Who says we did not want granny to come? Again I say, fresh out of a Channel 8 drama serial.
Imagine waking up early in the morning hearing words of accusation coming from ur granny's mouth to ur dad accusing him of not taking care of her when he spent his savings on her. I woke up to that noise this morning. My heart ached at such a horrible noise... ...
If u all money grabbers(and yes it is if not y r u suing ur bro who have used his OWN money to feed his mother and claiming that he have taken her money) insist on calculating down to the single cent, ok fine! I earn $250 from my 5 day part-time job last time and I gave u $50 from it. I cooked fried rice for u, accompany u to the hair dresser(my dad fetched), accompany u to the clinic(my dad fetched), sew ur buttons and sleeves for u, wat else... I dunno... ... I can't calculate anymore, I'm not that sort of person. I rather be me and just heck the calculating part and just move on. I wondered who was the one who started with the calculating in the 1st place... ...
I even cried the time I realised that u were turning ur back against us. I guess tears ain't money... ... So it doesn't count to u right?
Enough is enough... ... I cannot bear such anger for too long... ... I can't continue like that... It will sap the happiness out of me. I need the peace of God with me... ...
And yes, u take alot away from me. U took away the trustI had in u. Sorry Granny, but u broke my heart by hurting my dad and mum who cared for me more than u care for us.
I wonder if the others know the liability of this situation and this old lady. (Dun bother to brainwash her, she has nothing that she can offer u to show her appreciation for taking sides with her if u r looking for money and property)
OK, all the blabbering is over now... time to calm down and think rationally and not stoop to their level and name calling... ... I can't even remember the phrases she used on us...
Daddy, Mummy, dun be sad, u still have us ur natural children to keep u company. Daddy, dun gloom the whole day cos it's making me even sadder too... U still have us! *hugs*
My disappointment is beyond tears now. I'm past caring or crying for u and over u. Unless u show me even once that u really did care for ur grandchildren at te very least, even if it is not me.
To those who r reading this cos u r checking up on my internet accounts to spy on my family:
After reading this and u feel insulted, it means u r guilty of whatever evilness I mention in this post. Instead of getting angry, I appeal to ur conscience to please put a stop to this craziness. AND STOP STALKING OUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS. Take care and May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be with you, and God Bless you.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
In Loving memory to 2 of my beloved arrows...

Oh yes... ... It's hard for me to explain... Seeing is believing what shooting indoors can do to ur arrows when u miss the board. *Points below*
So as one can see, there is 1 arrow which seems to be in a somewhat flower shape and another which is bent. (note that I make it alternate with those which arrow points merely got dislodged; I prefer to think of it as being artistic) Those r the ones I can't use anymore, unless I take drastic actions to do something about it.(I dunno what r the drastic actions I can take) *sniffles*... ...
The horror of it all... ... That's when u realise u rather stand under the hot sun whole day to train and let the arrow fly into the ground when it misses the board.
Most of all, it was not the problem with my form... The folly lies with the overused sponge turning soft and holey (not my problem the the arrow when through the board), and the 2 most fatal ones that killed my arrow and injured some was my sight(not my problem that the sight is lose and keeps dropping, but my problem for not constantly checking the sight).
Lesson learnt. Take aim and make sure that the arrow lands on the hard part of the board(though difficult to pull, the muscle aches is more worth then a heartache); and most importantly, check the sighting. Oh and yes, the importance of commiting to the shot(I hate to admit this, but yeah... ... There is much truth in this undeniable fact).
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Applying New Criticism to everyday life! AAA101! (Oh man I think I studied too much! Somebody stop me!!!)
*It is some highly intellectual critque. If u r looking for some gormless rantings, please do not bother to bore urself out! Do skip to the next blog or something.*
*This was posted in facebook before the last day of my exams.*
The following was sparked by reading a post on Kevin's take on feminism in S-factor:
S-factor is not reflective of true feminism though it has feministic undertones.S-factor no doubts celebrates the beauty of the female and individuality, but it reduces the ladies to mere sexual commodities in which the media can maek use of for socio-economic purposes. Hence, the ideological fantasy behind it is to mass sell beauty of the female and individuality which is highly ironic.
{ok that sounds like the paper I'm going take for tmr... ...}
Ergo, the ideal viewer of this show would be woman who desires to be like this women on screen to follow the trend they set and I, the resisting viewer, views that it degrades woman and make them in sexual commodities.
{ok that's it, I think I'm studying too much for New Criticism(Marxism)... Oh well, hope the same thing happens tmr morning! Prof Matlida! Ain't ya proud?! Correct me if I'm wrong on analysis people. Ok dun hit me!}
The following are the links to the S-factor clip I saw that helped me destress and yet bring out this geek in me.
Kevin, ya wanna talk about feminism? Bring it on... ... Out of the 7 texts we have to study, 6 are pro-feminist. haha... ... ok just kidding! I'm just lamenting the fact that feminism and modernism is actually easier to do then criticisms, narratology and structurlism[semiotics]! and we lit students like to do it the emo way... ... ok maybe not all... ... right?! ok dun hit me again!
Kudos and Credits to Kevin for the inspiration... ... and bringing out the geek in me.
*So for the rest of u who read this, did ur brain explode? If it didn't, good for u. Welcome to uni life.*
Monday, May 11, 2009
The moment exams are over.
Oh well, what I would find the most challenging post exam activity is... ...
*flashback to doing post-exam-to-do list*
1. Practise Piano
2. Archery Training
3. Driving lessons
4. Cellgroup Outing
5. Clean my room at home
6. Teach Mum how to use the computer
*snaps back to present times*
The Most challenging post exam activity is... not practising Piano to pass the exams, nor going for Archery Training to swipe all the medals possible at NUS indoor, not even learning to steer the wheel properly not organise an outing for 5 kids, all of whom have different interest. NOT EVEN CLEANING MY DUST-FILLED-CANNOT-EVEN-SEE-THE-FLOOR-BECAUSE-OF-ALL-THE-BOOKS-I-BROUGHT-BACK-FROM-HALL ROOM AT HOME!
*flashback to skype conversion with da ge*
"Must teach Mummy how to use the computer so that she can do up her own little business."
**Note the use of imperatives**
*snaps back to present times*
I'm an english language and literature teacher; not an IT teacher! SOMEBODY!!!! HELP ME!!!!
Note: Watching Anime isn't in the list anymore... **sniffles** NO TIME FOR MARATHONS LIKE I USED TOO!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
An Ode to someone :) Guess who!
Following the path that she must take
The little Bird is waiting for her last break
Through, walking down that path is the final
Beside her a Cow and a Mouse stood
Supporting her and walking that last path
Before she takes her flight
That is what friends are for
Throughout good and bad times
The animals have stood by each other
Tears of parting are shed amongst them
Now as the little Bird stands firmly
With wings eager to soar
Her feathers bloom as she flaps hard
Up she goes and beyond the horizon
To a new place that the Father has called her too
There she goes fearless and majestic
The little Bird who become a Phoenix.