Friday, October 3, 2008

My hair is lessening... ...

Just a few moments ago, my dad asked me wat I was doing. I told him I'm trying to rush up my assignment and stay wake at the same time.He replied that I should tie my hair up to the ceiling. I was like no thanks dad my hair is already falling off from all the stress I'm accumulating. *I'll leave it to ur imagination if it was me pulling my hair due to stress or if it was because my hair is really dropping due to the stress*

Some people are just tooooo much! I mean it's like dude! u r part of the project aren't u, if u had something to say previously please say it before it is finalise. That's 1. 2, dude, You r not even bothering to expand or improvise on the part YOU are presenting! 3, comon dude, u meant to say to didn't really collect info and data right, that's y u can't come up with the referencing and bibliography for me to put up on slides. 4, Oh perrleese sweetie! Da world dun revolve around u n ur whims. I stayed up all the way to 4 to do the presentation slides for my other group despite my gastric, bad cough and drowsiness from medicine. I got complain, but did I inconvenience anybody? Did I contribute? 5, Oh DUDE! U have done it this time! Nice one! U didn't turn up for meetings and u didn't even tell us! and u insisted that u wanted that timing! That was really a nice one... Somebody was waiting for u for 2 hrs, called u and smsed u. But u didn't reply sms, call back or contact any of us. U would also last min say that u r not free to come for meetings! Nice one!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5... etc... If I continue, I could go now forever, but I decided to not be a lil' B**** and just stop there. Disclaimer here, the 'YOU' in here is not just 1 person, it is a compilation of irresponsible people that I know into one character for purposes that will ensure that people dun try to go find out who the person(s) are unless the characteristic is really prominent. *or maybe it's for my own literary purposes...* Oh well, I dun understand how people can dun care about their project work at all. I mean it's like that topic is urs, ur parts it's ur slide, ur marks... but u r not only not bothering, u r dragging all of our marks down with u cos u didn't give ur own input and that makes the presentation looks horrible. okok... I shouldn't be too judgemental, I admit that I was such an a** to make such a big deal out of the fact that u look like u got nothing to do or did nothing and I'm doing all the slides/report. If I'm such as ass, trying to do so much things, hands up anyone who would like to share my burden or even better swap places with me.

I must acknowledge the effort of a few people here. *can't say names either for fear of connection. SORRY!* Thanks for being responsible and trying to care for not just ur own marks but my health. u have my sincere gratitude. Without u people, I would have already fainted.I really mean it, I nearly fainted today. Back to back, oh no wait, overlapping timeslots, no wait, similiar timeslots for 2 project-based modules. I nearly fainted from hunger and stress... i really could think during the meetings, especially the 2 meeting. My 3rd meeting didn't materialise. So my 4th meeting considered as my 3rd meeting. I would also like the thank those people who have been listening to my rants. THANKS FOR UR KINDNESS AND UNDERSTANDING!

I would like to end of with morals of the story:
- At the very least, I know I have done my best, so if there's anything wrong, I know it isn't my fault.
- I must always thank the people who have been there for me.*listening to my rants*
- I know that at the end of all this, I'm a stronger person.

My roomie has a line of lyrics as her messenger personnel message. It's the song 'Stronger' by Kenya West. "That that that don't kill me, can only make me stronger."
I was thinking of that Britney Spears song 'Stronger' and Christina's 'Fighter' also.

B**** Time is now over.

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